This is an alpha version of tool to create interactive state bin maps. It has an R API as well as a javascript API.
You can install rcstatebin
from github.
install_github(c('ramnathv/htmlwidgets', 'ramnathv/rcstatebin'))
Let us start by recreating some analysis done by on where states get their taxes from.
statebin(data = taxdata,
x = "state",
y = "share",
facet = "description",
heading = "<b>Where do your state's taxes come from?</b>",
footer = "<small>Source: Census <a href=''>(Data)</a>",
colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, 'PuRd'),
control = 'dropdown'
You can also use a formula interface to create a statebin chart.
statebin(taxdata, share ~ state | description, control = 'dropdown')
I built d3statebin
using a modular approach following the reusable chart guidelines outlined by Mike Bostock
mystatemap = statemap()
Thanks are due to all these folks below, for building great components were used to create d3statebin